Thursday, April 24, 2008


Maybe you don't really give much thought to the design of your business card although you use it almost every day. To many people, a business card is just a little bit of cardboard, on which is printed their name, telephone number and other details about their company.

But don't overlook the significance of your business card. It may be one of the smallest items you carry around with you; yet, if the design of your business card is inauspicious, then it can wreak havoc on the running of your entire operation.

So, how do you Feng Shui your business card?

Begin by using auspicious Feng Shui dimensions. At least one side of your business card should be less than 5.1 cm (2 in). This is because anything from 5.1 cm to 16.5 cm (6� in) is inauspicious. The business card Lillian Too uses is less than 5.1 cm in both width and length. It's supposed to bring in an abundance of wealth.

In devising your company logo, you may be as creative as you like; but please be advised that designs with sharp, pointed or angular shapes are not favorable. It is much better to use rounded and curved shapes in your design. If your company has an inauspicious corporate logo then you must make sure that none of the sharp or angular parts are pointed directly at the company name or your name.

Besides that, you should always try to use harmonious color combinations which are auspicious as well. Since black printed on white is better than black printed on beige, white business cards are preferred over beige ones. Other auspicious color combinations include black with green, black with brown, black with blue, and black with all metallic colors. Avoid inauspicious color combinations such as black with red, black with orange, and black with yellow.

Lastly, aim for a well-balanced design for your card; since, Feng Shui is actually all about achieving balance and being in harmony with your surroundings.

So you see, when you Feng Shui your business card, you generate more luck for your business as well.

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